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Release notes

KMS Server Support

The below table provides a compatibility/supportability matrix:

Trousseau Kubernetes AWS KMS Azure KMS HashiCorp Vault
v1.1.3 1.18+
v2.0.0-alpha.2 1.22+


For the latest and greatest news about Trousseau's releases, please consult GitHub Releases.

Trousseau v2

v2.0.0-alpha "Smells like a Teen Spirit (Pre-release)"

Release notes - v2.0.0-alpha.2

This is a first pre-release of Trousseau v2. The documentation is not yet rendered and using this alpha pre-release for any other purpose than development is not recommended.

What's Changed?

Trousseau v2 is a redesign of the enntire architecture bringing extra resiliency, extending Kubernetes KMS capabilities, and bringing multi-KMS support.

Here are the new features: 

- Multi KMS support including Azure KMS by @mhmxs in #147

Here are code library updates:

- Bump from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 by @dependabot in #98
- Bump from 1.19.0 to 1.21.0 by @dependabot in #100
- Change Dockerfile LABEL by @romdalf in #106
- Update by @romdalf in #108
- Bump from 1.7.2 to 1.7.4 by @dependabot in #115
- Bump from 0.24.1 to 0.24.2 by @dependabot in #114
- Update GitHub Issues templates by @romdalf in #122
- Bump from 1.7.4 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in #126
- Bump from 2.60.1 to 2.70.0 by @dependabot in #116
- Update by @romdalf in #140
- Add Go report card to readme by @mhmxs in #141
- Validate log level by @mhmxs in #142
- v2 alpha to main by @romdalf in #145
- Bump from 1.47.0 to 1.48.0 in /providers/vault by @dependabot in #156
- Bump from 0.24.2 to 0.24.3 in /trousseau by @dependabot in #155
- Update Trousseau image version in readme by @mhmxs in #157
- Otherwise git hook fails if only untracked by @mhmxs in #170
- Upgrade Husky and SKIP_GIT_PUSH_HOOK option by @mhmxs in #176

Release notes - v2.0.0-alpha.1

This is a first pre-release of Trousseau v2. The documentation is not yet rendered and using this alpha pre-release for any other purpose than development is not recommended.

What's Changed

Trousseau v2 is a redesign of the entire architecture bringing extra resiliency, extending Kubernetes KMS capabilities, and bringing multi-KMS support.

Here are the new features:

- Multi KMS support included AWS KMS by @mhmxs in #112
- Delete socket file before listen and terminate if socket is missing by @mhmxs in #127
- Generate manifests for producation usage by @mhmxs in #130
- Generate helm chart by @mhmxs in #131

Here are code library updates:

- Bump from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 by @dependabot in #98
- Bump from 1.19.0 to 1.21.0 by @dependabot in #100

Here are CI/CD updates:

- e2e test with the supported versions of Kubernetes by @mhmxs in #128
- Split Taskfile to sections by @mhmxs in #129
- Multi Kube version e2e and tasks polish #125
- e2e test of AWS KMS #124
- e2e tests with debug provider #123
- Change Dockerfile LABEL by @romdalf in #106
- Update by @romdalf in #108

How to use

Replace the image parameter within the DaemonSet with:

Trousseau v1

Release notes - v1.1.3

This minor version is a code cleaning and polishing release including:
Updating the logging system to provide richer insights during normal operations and when reporting failures

Git Compare with previous version

What's Changed

Bump from 1.38.0 to 1.46.0 by @dependabot  
Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot
Bump from 1.0.0-RC1 to 1.6.3 by @dependabot 
Update Dockerfile by @rovandep
Redesign logging by @mhmxs   
Introduce git push hook to validate source before push by @mhmxs 

How to use

Replace the image parameter within the DaemonSet with either:

Release notes - v1.1.2

This minor version is a code cleaning and polishing release including:
- a fix for CVE-2021-38561
- an end-2-end workflow review

Git Compare with previous version

What's Changed
* bump from 1.38.0 to 1.45.0 #63 
* Fix code scanning alert - CVE-2021-38561 Package: #64 
* bumping from 0.3.6 to 0.3.7 by @rovandep in #65 
* introduction of end-2-end worfklow by @rovandep in #66 
* e2e workflow update by @rovandep in #67 
* Update dependabot.yml by @rovandep in #69 
* Polish Go lint errors by @mhmxs in #82 
How to use

Replace the image parameter within the DaemonSet with either:

Release notes - v1.1.1

The release has been removed as part of a discovered CVE.
Code change has been addressed in v1.1.2 and container registry has been cleaned up.

If you are still running v1.1.1 - consider upgrading as soon as possible to newer release.

Git Compare with previous version

Release notes - v1.1.0

We are please to release the first update of version 1.0.0 adding chocolate chips on the original 'Funny Cookie'.

Thanks to @mhmxs @hubvu @vfiftyfive and @cannischan for your contributions!

Git Compare with previous version

What's Changed
- Code polishing and optimisations #41 - Thanks to @mhmxs 
- Module import update due to move to Ondat organization repository #44 
- Automated creation of /opt/vault-kms on control planes #42 #44
- Refactoring of the deployment methodology #31 #44 by:
- removing the usage of configuration files for Trousseau 
- authenticating with Vault using a ServiceAccount and Vault Kubernetes Auth
- recovering the config parameters using ConfigMap and a HCL Vault configuration file
- injection of the configuration within Trousseau's Pod
- Introduction of UBI and Ubuntu container image based debug options #39 
How to use

Replace the image parameter within the DaemonSet with either:

Release notes - v1.0.0

Funny Cookie' is out of the box!
We are please to release the very first version of Trousseau this December 1st 2021!
Trousseau is a Kubernetes KMS Provider plugin with support of Hashicorp Vault.

The Trousseau Project would like to thanks @wwojcik and @kruc for their precious contributions!

The current release offers the followings
* respectful of the Kubernetes KMS Provider framework
* provide support for Hashicorp Vault Community, Enterprise and Cloud Platform based deployment
* deployment tested on Vanilla, RKE, and RKE2 Kubernetes clusters
* build on distroless for small footprint 

The current release contains a security warning from gosec that will be address in point release: -

How to use

The complementary asset is the container image accessible via the tag latest or v1.0.0
Following the Deployment documentation.